/* DESKTOP PUBLISHING OPERATOR (DTPO) TRADE: CoronaVirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) Situation Report – 59 */
ATTENTION! - Dear trainees, your safety is of utmost importance. Please clean your hands regularly with soap and water or Sanitizers, always use face masks and remember to keep social distancing. Follow government guidelines to stay safe. Thank you Doctors, Nurses and Healthcare professionals.

Friday, March 20, 2020

CoronaVirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) Situation Report – 59

CoronaVirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) Situation Report – 59
CoronaVirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) Situation Report – 59


  • Seven new countries/territories/areas (African Region, Eastern Mediterranean Region, European Region, and Region of the Americas) have reported cases of COVID-19.
  • The number of confirmed cases worldwide has exceeded 200 000. It took over three months to reach the first 100 00 confirmed cases, and only 12 days to reach the next 100 000.
  • A new protocol to investigate the extent of COVID-19 infection in the population, as determined by positive antibody tests in the general population has been developed. 


 Countries, territories or areas with reported laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases and deaths. Data as of 19 March 2020*

Reporting Country/ Territory/Area Total confirmed
‡ cases
Total confirmed
new cases1
Total deaths Total new
Transmission classification§ Days since last reported case
Western Pacific Region
China 81174 58 3242 11 Local transmission 0
Republic of Korea
8413 93 84 3 Local transmission 0
873 44 29 1 Local transmission 0
673 120 2 2 Local transmission 0
Australia 510 96 6 1 Local transmission 0
Singapore 313 47 0 0 Local transmission 0
Philippines 187 0 14 2 Local transmission 1
Viet Nam 66 5 0 0 Local transmission 0
Brunei Darussalam 56 2 0 0 Local transmission 0
Cambodia 35 11 0 0 Local transmission 0
New Zealand 20 9 0 0 Local transmission 0
Mongolia 5 1 0 0 Imported cases only 0
Guam 5 2 0 0 Local transmission 0
French Polynesia 3 0 0 0 Imported cases only 3
European Region
Italy 35713 4207 2978 473 Local transmission 0
Spain 13716 2538 598 107 Local transmission 0
France 9043 0 244 0 Local transmission 1
Germany 8198 1042 13 0 Local transmission 0
Switzerland 3010 353 21 2 Local transmission 0
The United Kingdom 2630 672 103 0 Local transmission 0
Netherlands 2051 0 58 0 Local transmission 1
Austria 1646 314 4 1 Local transmission 0
Belgium 1486 0 14 0 Local transmission 1
Norway 1423 115 3 0 Local transmission 0
Sweden 1279 112 3 0 Local transmission 0
Denmark 1044 67 4 0 Local transmission 0
Portugal 642 194 2 1 Local transmission 0
Czechia 522 30 0 0 Local transmission 0
Israel 427 0 0 0 Local transmission 2
Greece 418 0 5 0 Local transmission 1
Finland 359 40 0 0 Local transmission 0
Ireland 292 0 2 0 Local transmission 1
Poland 287 0 5 0 Local transmission 1
Slovenia 286 0 1 0 Local transmission 1
Estonia 258 33 0 0 Local transmission 0
Iceland 250 25 0 0 Local transmission 0
Romania 246 62 0 0 Local transmission 0
Luxembourg 210 63 2 1 Local transmission 0
Turkey 191 51 2 1 Local transmission 0
Russian Federation 147 54 0 0 Imported cases only 0
San Marino 109 5 14 3 Local transmission 0
Slovakia 105 8 0 0 Local transmission 0
Serbia†† 96 11 0 0 Local transmission 0
Bulgaria 92 11 2 0 Local transmission 0
Armenia 84 32 0 0 Local transmission 0
Croatia 81 16 0 0 Local transmission 0
Latvia 71 11 0 0 Imported cases only 0
Albania 59 2 2 1 Local transmission 0
Cyprus 58 25 0 0 Local transmission 0
Hungary 58 8 1 0 Local transmission 0
Malta 48 10 0 0 Imported cases only 0
Belarus 46 10 0 0 Local transmission 0
Georgia 38 4 0 0 Imported cases only 0
Bosnia and
36 7 0 0 Local transmission 0
Kazakhstan 36 3 0 0 Imported cases only 0
North Macedonia 36 5 0 0 Local transmission 0
Republic of Moldova 36 0 0 0 Local transmission 1
Azerbaijan 34 13 1 1 Imported cases only 0
Lithuania 26 1 0 0 Imported cases only 0
Liechtenstein 25 18 0 0 Imported cases only 0
Ukraine 16 7 2 0 Local transmission 0
Uzbekistan 16 0 0 0 Imported cases only 1
Monaco 9 0 0 0 Under investigation 2
Kyrgyzstan 3 3 0 0 Under investigation 0
Montenegro 2 0 0 0 Imported cases only 1
Holy See 1 0 0 0 Under investigation 12
Faroe Islands 58 11 0 0 Imported cases only 0
Andorra 39 23 0 0 Imported cases only 0
Gibraltar 8 5 0 0 Under investigation 0
Jersey 5 0 0 0 Imported cases only 1
Greenland 2 0 0 0 Under investigation 1
Guernsey 1 0 0 0 Imported cases only 9
South-East Asia Region
Indonesia 227 55 19 14 Local transmission 0
Thailand 212 35 1 0 Local transmission 0
India 151 14 3 0 Local transmission 0
Sri Lanka 42 13 0 0 Local transmission 0
Maldives 13 0 0 0 Local transmission 3
Bangladesh 10 2 0 0 Local transmission 0
Bhutan 1 0 0 0 Imported cases only 12
Nepal 1 0 0 0 Imported cases only 55
Eastern Mediterranean Region
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
17361 1192 1135 147 Local transmission 0
Qatar 442 0 0 0 Local transmission 1
Bahrain 256 5 1 0 Local transmission 0
Pakistan 241 54 0 0 Imported cases only 0
Saudi Arabia 238 67 0 0 Local transmission 0
Egypt 196 30 6 2 Local transmission 0
Iraq 164 0 12 0 Local transmission 1
Kuwait 142 12 0 0 Local transmission 0
Lebanon 133 13 4 1 Local transmission 0
United Arab Emirates 113 15 0 0 Local transmission 0
Jordan 52 13 0 0 Imported cases only 0
Morocco 49 11 2 0 Local transmission 0
Oman 33 9 0 0 Imported cases only 0
Tunisia 29 5 0 0 Local transmission 0
Afghanistan 22 0 0 0 Imported cases only 1
Djibouti 1 1 0 0 Under investigation 0
Somalia 1 0 0 0 Imported cases only 2
Sudan 1 0 1 0 Imported cases only 4
occupied Palestinian
44 3 0 0 Local transmission 0
Region of the Americas
United States of
7087 3551 100 42 Local transmission 0
Canada 569 145 8 7 Local transmission 0
Brazil 291 57 1 1 Local transmission 0
Chile 238 82 0 0 Local transmission 0
Ecuador 155 97 2 0 Local transmission 0
Peru 145 59 0 0 Local transmission 0
Colombia 93 48 0 0 Local transmission 0
Mexico 93 11 0 0 Imported cases only 0
Panama 86 17 1 0 Local transmission 0
Argentina 79 14 2 0 Local transmission 0
Costa Rica 50 9 0 0 Local transmission 0
Venezuela (Bolivarian
Republic of)
36 3 0 0 Imported cases only 0
Uruguay 29 23 0 0 Imported cases only 0
Dominican Republic 21 0 1 0 Local transmission 1
Jamaica 13 1 0 0 Local transmission 0
Bolivia (Plurinational
State of)
12 1 0 0 Imported cases only 0
Paraguay 11 2 0 0 Local transmission 0
Cuba 10 5 1 0 Local transmission 0
Honduras 9 1 0 0 Imported cases only 0
Trinidad and Tobago 7 2 0 0 Imported cases only 0
Guatemala 6 0 1 0 Imported cases only 1
Guyana 4 1 1 0 Local transmission 0
Bahamas 3 2 0 0 Local transmission 0
Barbados 2 2 0 0 Imported cases only 0
Saint Lucia 2 0 0 0 Imported cases only 3
Antigua and Barbuda 1 0 0 0 Imported cases only 5
Montserrat 1 1 0 0 Imported cases only 0
Saint Vincent and the
1 0 0 0 Imported cases only 5
Suriname 1 0 0 0 Imported cases only 3
Guadeloupe 33 15 0 0 Imported cases only 0
Martinique 23 7 0 0 Imported cases only 0
French Guiana 11 4 0 0 Imported cases only 0
Puerto Rico 5 2 0 0 Imported cases only 0
Aruba 4 2 0 0 Imported cases only 0
Saint Martin 4 2 0 0 Under investigation 0
Curaçao 3 0 0 0 Imported cases only 1
Saint Barthélemy 3 0 0 0 Under investigation 3
United States Virgin
2 0 0 0 Imported cases only 1
Cayman Islands 1 0 1 0 Imported cases only 5
African Region
South Africa 116 54 0 0 Local transmission 0
Algeria 72 12 6 2 Local transmission 0
Senegal 36 9 0 0 Local transmission 0
Burkina Faso 26 6 1 1 Imported cases only 0
Rwanda 11 4 0 0 Local transmission 0
Cameroon 10 5 0 0 Local transmission 0
Cote d’Ivoire 9 3 0 0 Imported cases only 0
Ghana 9 1 0 0 Imported cases only 0
Nigeria 8 6 0 0 Imported cases only 0
Democratic Republic
of the Congo
7 4 0 0 Local transmission 0
Kenya 7 4 0 0 Local transmission 0
Ethiopia 6 1 0 0 Imported cases only 0
Seychelles 6 2 0 0 Imported cases only 0
Congo 3 2 0 0 Imported cases only 0
Equatorial Guinea 3 2 0 0 Imported cases only 0
Gabon 3 2 0 0 Imported cases only 0
Mauritius 3 3 0 0 Under investigation 0
United Republic of
3 2 0 0 Imported cases only 0
Liberia 2 1 0 0 Local transmission 0
Mauritania 2 1 0 0 Imported cases only 0
Namibia 2 0 0 0 Imported cases only 4
Zambia 2 2 0 0 Imported cases only 0
Benin 1 0 0 0 Imported cases only 1
Central African
1 0 0 0 Imported cases only 4
Eswatini 1 0 0 0 Imported cases only 4
Gambia 1 1 0 0 Imported cases only 0
Guinea 1 0 0 0 Imported cases only 4
Togo 1 0 0 0 Imported cases only 11
Réunion 12 3 0 0 Imported cases only 0
Mayotte 3 2 0 0 Imported cases only 0
Subtotal for all
209127 16556 8771 828
International conveyance
(Diamond Princess)





Local transmission

Grand total 209839 16556 8778 828

*Numbers include both domestic and repatriated cases
†The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of WHO concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Dotted and dashed lines on maps represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement.
‡Case classifications are based on WHO case definitions for COVID-19.
§Transmission classification is based on WHO analysis of available official data and may be subject to reclassification as additional data become available. Countries/territories/areas experiencing multiple types of transmission are classified in the highest category for which there is evidence; they may be removed from a given category if interruption of transmission can be demonstrated. It should be noted that even within categories, different countries/territories/areas may have differing degrees of transmission as indicated by the differing numbers of cases and other factors. Not all locations within a given country/territory/area are equally affected.
-    Community transmission is evidenced by the inability to relate confirmed cases through chains of transmission for a large number of cases, or by increasing positive tests through sentinel samples (routine systematic testing of respiratory samples from established laboratories).
-    Local transmission indicates locations where the source of infection is within the reporting location.
-    Imported cases only indicates locations where all cases have been acquired outside the location of reporting.
-    Under investigation indicates locations where type of transmission has not been determined for any cases.
-    Interrupted transmission indicates locations where interruption of transmission has been demonstrated (details to be determined)

** “Territories” include territories, areas, overseas dependencies and other jurisdictions of similar status
††Including 13 cases from Kosovo[1]
[1]    All references to Kosovo should be understood to be in the context of the United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).

Due to differences in reporting methods, retrospective data consolidation, and reporting delays, the number of new cases may not always reflect the exact difference between yesterday’s and today’s totals. WHO COVID-19 Situation Reports present official counts of confirmed COVID-19 cases, thus differences between WHO reports and other sources of COVID-19 data using different inclusion criteria and different data cutoff times are to be expected.

New countries/territories/areas are shown in red.


WHO’s strategic objectives for this response are to:

  • Interrupt human-to-human transmission including reducing secondary infections among close contacts and health care workers, preventing transmission amplification events, and preventing further international spread*;
  • Identify, isolate and care for patients early, including providing optimized care for infected patients;
  • Identify and reduce transmission from the animal source;
  • Address crucial unknowns regarding clinical severity, extent of transmission and infection, treatment options, and accelerate the development of diagnostics, therapeutics and vaccines;
  • Communicate critical risk and event information to all communities and counter misinformation;
  • Minimize social and economic impact through multisectoral partnerships.

*This can be achieved through a combination of public health measures, such as rapid identification, diagnosis and management of the cases, identification and follow up of the contacts, infection prevention and control in health care settings, implementation of health measures for travelers, awareness-raising in the population and risk communication.


If you are not in an area where COVID-19 is spreading or have not travelled from an area where COVID-19 is spreading or have not been in contact with an infected patient, your risk of infection is low. It is understandable that you may feel anxious about the outbreak. Get the facts from reliable sources to help you accurately determine your risks so that you can take reasonable precautions. Seek guidance from WHO, your healthcare provider, your national public health authority or your employer for accurate information on COVID-19 and whether COVID-19 is circulating where you live. It is important to be informed of the situation and take appropriate measures to protect yourself and your family.

If you are in an area where there are cases of COVID-19 you need to take the risk of infection seriously. Follow the advice of WHO and guidance issued by national and local health authorities. For most people, COVID-19 infection will cause mild illness however, it can make some people very ill and, in some people, it can be fatal. Older people, and those with pre-existing medical conditions (such as cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory disease or diabetes) are at risk for severe disease 

(Source: WHO)

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