/* DESKTOP PUBLISHING OPERATOR (DTPO) TRADE: Adobe InDesign Shortcut Commands */
ATTENTION! - Dear trainees, your safety is of utmost importance. Please clean your hands regularly with soap and water or Sanitizers, always use face masks and remember to keep social distancing. Follow government guidelines to stay safe. Thank you Doctors, Nurses and Healthcare professionals.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Adobe InDesign Shortcut Commands

 Find the list of  Shortcut Commands of Adobe InDesign Software

File Management:
Ctrl+NNew document
Ctrl+OOpen document
Ctrl+WClose document
Ctrl+SSave document
Ctrl+Shift+SSave As...
Ctrl+PPrint document
Navigation and Zoom:
SpacebarHand tool (for panning)
Ctrl++Zoom in
Ctrl+-Zoom out
Ctrl+0Fit page in window
Ctrl+1Actual size
Ctrl+2Fit spread in window
Ctrl+Alt+0Fit content proportionally in window
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+0Fit content to window

Text Formatting:
Ctrl+BApply/Remove bold formatting
Ctrl+IApply/Remove italic formatting
Ctrl+UApply/Remove underline formatting
Ctrl+Shift+KApply/Remove small caps formatting
Ctrl+Shift+>Increase font size
Ctrl+Shift+<Decrease font size
Ctrl+Shift+XApply/Remove strikethrough formatting
Ctrl+Shift+CApply/Remove all caps formatting
Object Manipulation:
Ctrl+DPlace an image or text
Ctrl+GGroup selected objects
Ctrl+Shift+GUngroup selected objects
Ctrl+BText frame options
Ctrl+EText frame fitting options
Ctrl+Shift+CConvert shape/text to frame
Ctrl+Shift+EConvert frame to shape/text
Ctrl+Shift+DragDuplicate selected object
Ctrl+Shift+]Bring object forward
Ctrl+Shift+[Send object backward
Document Structure:
Ctrl+Alt+CCreate a new layer
Ctrl+Alt+;Lock/unlock a layer
Ctrl+Shift+;Show/hide a layer
Ctrl+Shift+LCreate a new layer based on selection
Ctrl+Shift+MMerge selected layers
Ctrl+Shift+NCreate a new master page
Ctrl+Shift+RRelease master page items
Ctrl+Shift+DDuplicate current page
Ctrl+Shift+DeleteDelete current page
Text Editing and Formatting:
Ctrl+Shift+ADeselect all
Ctrl+Shift+VPaste without formatting
Ctrl+Shift+HHide/show hidden characters
Ctrl+Shift+LCreate bullet or numbered list
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+MRemove forced line break
Ctrl+Shift+BBalance ragged lines
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+HChange language of selected text
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+CConvert to footnote/endnote
Ctrl+Shift+MMerge text
Ctrl+Shift+UToggle between All Caps and Small Caps
Ctrl+Alt+TCreate a new table
Ctrl+ETable options
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+JConvert text to table
Ctrl+Shift+RConvert table to text
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+MSplit/merge table cells
Ctrl+Shift+JDistribute rows evenly
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+JDistribute columns evenly
Ctrl+Shift+IInsert row above
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+IInsert row below
Ctrl+Shift+DeleteDelete row
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+DeleteDelete column
Styles and Formatting:
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+KLoad paragraph styles
Ctrl+Shift+Option+KLoad character styles
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+LLoad object styles
Ctrl+F11Apply Next Style
Ctrl+Alt+GClear Overrides
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+BApply bold style
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+IApply italic style
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+UApply underline style
Ctrl+Shift+FApply fill color
Ctrl+Shift+SApply stroke color
Output and Export:
Ctrl+Shift+EExport document
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+EExport selection
Ctrl+Alt+OPackage document
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+PPrint booklet
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+BExport to EPUB
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+WExport to PDF
Ctrl+Shift+TPreflight panel
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+DCreate digital edition
Ctrl+Shift+KEdit hyperlinks
Ctrl+Shift+DDigital publishing workspace
Alignment and Distribution:
Ctrl+Shift+0Align left edges of selected objects
Ctrl+Shift+1Align horizontal centers of selected objects
Ctrl+Shift+2Align right edges of selected objects
Ctrl+Shift+3Align top edges of selected objects
Ctrl+Shift+4Align vertical centers of selected objects
Ctrl+Shift+5Align bottom edges of selected objects
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+0Distribute left edges of selected objects
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+1Distribute horizontal centers of selected objects
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+2Distribute right edges of selected objects
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+3Distribute top edges of selected objects
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+4Distribute vertical centers of selected objects
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+5Distribute bottom edges of selected objects
Master Pages:
Shift+Ctrl+MApply master page to current page
Ctrl+Shift+CCreate new master page based on selection
Ctrl+Shift+RRelease items from master page
Ctrl+Shift+NCreate a new document page from master page
Shift+Ctrl+JJump to master page
Shift+Ctrl+Shift+JJump to previous master page
Shift+Ctrl+Alt+Shift+JJump to next master page
Ctrl+Shift+DeleteDelete current master page
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+LLoad master page
Ctrl+Shift+DDuplicate current master page
F7Show/hide Layers panel
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+;Lock/unlock layer
Ctrl+Alt+;Show/hide layer
Ctrl+]Bring forward
Ctrl+[Send backward
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+]Bring to front
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+[Send to back
Ctrl+LCreate a new layer
Ctrl+Shift+]Group with previous
Ctrl+Shift+[Group with next
Ctrl+Shift+MMerge selected layers
Ctrl+Alt+]Show layer options
Paragraph and Text Styles:
F11Apply next style
Ctrl+Shift+TShow/hide paragraph styles
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+TShow/hide character styles
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+TShow/hide object styles
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+BApply/remove bold style
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+IApply/remove italic style
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+UApply/remove underline style
Ctrl+Shift+FApply fill color
Ctrl+Shift+SApply stroke color
Ctrl+Shift+KEdit hyperlinks
Ctrl+Shift+DDigital publishing workspace
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+CCreate footnote/endnote
Text and Typography:
Ctrl+Shift+>Increase tracking
Ctrl+Shift+<Decrease tracking
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+>Increase kerning
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+<Decrease kerning
Ctrl+Shift+BApply bold formatting
Ctrl+Shift+IApply italic formatting
Ctrl+Shift+XApply strikethrough formatting
Ctrl+Shift+YApply small caps formatting
Ctrl+Shift+LApply underline formatting
Ctrl+Shift+FChange font
Ctrl+Shift+HChange case
Ctrl+Shift+QConvert to uppercase
Ctrl+Shift+WConvert to lowercase
Ctrl+Shift+AChange text color
Ctrl+Shift+TCreate text frame
Tables and Cells:
Ctrl+Alt+TCreate a new table
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+JConvert text to table
Ctrl+Shift+RConvert table to text
TabMove to the next cell in a table
Shift+TabMove to the previous cell in a table
Ctrl+Shift+ReturnSplit table cell vertically
Ctrl+Shift+/Split table cell horizontally
Ctrl+\Merge table cells
Ctrl+Shift+IInsert row above
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+IInsert row below
Ctrl+Shift+DeleteDelete row
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+DeleteDelete column
Object and Frame Handling:
Ctrl+DPlace an image or text
Ctrl+Shift+DragDuplicate selected object
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+CConvert shape/text to frame
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+EConvert frame to shape/text
Ctrl+GGroup selected objects
Ctrl+Shift+GUngroup selected objects
Ctrl+Shift+XFit content proportionally in frame
Ctrl+Shift+EFit content to frame
Ctrl+Alt+CCopy object style
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+VPaste object style
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+MStep and repeat
Ctrl+Shift+BText frame options
Ctrl+Shift+EText frame fitting options
Document and Layout:
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+MMerge selected layers
Ctrl+Shift+LCreate a new layer based on selection
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+NCreate a new master page
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Page UpGo to previous spread
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Page DownGo to next spread
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+HomeGo to first page
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+EndGo to last page
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+GChange display performance
Ctrl+Shift+KEdit in Story Editor

Guides and Grids:
Ctrl+;Show/hide guides
Ctrl+'Lock/unlock guides
Ctrl+Alt+;Show/hide baseline grid
Ctrl+Alt+'Lock/unlock baseline grid
Ctrl+5Show/hide frame edges
Ctrl+Shift+'Show/hide frame grid
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+'Lock/unlock frame grid
Ctrl+Alt+]Snap to document grid
Ctrl+Alt+[Snap to baseline grid
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+]Snap to frame grid
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+[Snap to guides
Navigation and Panels:
F6Show/hide Pages panel
F7Show/hide Layers panel
F8Show/hide Info panel
F9Show/hide Color panel
F10Show/hide Stroke panel
F11Show/hide Paragraph Styles panel
F12Show/hide Character Styles panel
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+HShow/hide Hyperlinks panel
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+TShow/hide Preflight panel
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+OShow/hide Output panel
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+DShow/hide Digital Publishing panel
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+FShow/hide Interactive for PDF panel
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+UShow/hide Story Editor
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+PCreate a new package
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+BExport to EPUB
Ctrl+Shift+JCreate a new library item
Ctrl+Shift+UUpdate all modified links
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+WExport to PDF
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+EExport to JPEG
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+XExport to HTML
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+IImport XML
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+DPlace multiple files
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+RRemove overrides
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+GApply last used gradient swatch
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+FApply last used fill swatch
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+XApply last used stroke swatch
Working with Frames:
Ctrl+BApply/Remove baseline grid
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+MFit content to frame
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+PApply object style
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+VPaste object style
Ctrl+Shift+DDuplicate selected object
Ctrl+Shift+EText frame fitting options
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+XClear frame content
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+;Clear frame style
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+IConvert frame to shape
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+EConvert shape to frame
Ctrl+Shift+KEdit original
Working with Pages and Spreads:
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+HomeGo to first page
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+EndGo to last page
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Page UpGo to previous spread
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Page DownGo to next spread
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+JGo to page
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Shift+JGo to previous page
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Alt+Shift+JGo to next page
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+]Go to next spread
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+[Go to previous spread
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+DeleteDelete current spread
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+DDuplicate spread
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+NCreate a new page from master page
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Shift+Page UpMove page left
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Shift+Page DownMove page right
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Shift+]Move spread right
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Shift+[Move spread left
Working with Links and Assets:
Ctrl+Shift+IImport XML
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+IImport XML structure
Ctrl+Shift+LLoad selected graphics
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+UUpdate all modified links
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+MLinks panel
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+PPrint booklet
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+BExport to EPUB
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+XExport to HTML
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Shift+XExport to JPEG
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+WExport to PDF
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Shift+WExport to PNG
Working with Text:
Ctrl+Shift+KEdit in Story Editor
Ctrl+Shift+TShow/hide paragraph styles panel
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+TShow/hide character styles panel
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+CCreate footnote/endnote
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+BApply/remove bold style
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+IApply/remove italic style
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+UApply/remove underline style
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+MChange language
Ctrl+Shift+FApply fill color
Ctrl+Shift+SApply stroke color
Ctrl+Shift+AChange text color
Ctrl+Shift+HChange case
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+KInsert special character
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+WToggle between composer types
Working with Tables:
Ctrl+Alt+TCreate a new table
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+JConvert text to table
Ctrl+Shift+RConvert table to text
TabMove to the next cell in a table
Shift+TabMove to the previous cell in a table
Ctrl+Shift+ReturnSplit table cell vertically
Ctrl+Shift+/Split table cell horizontally
Ctrl+\Merge table cells
Ctrl+Shift+IInsert row above
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+IInsert row below
Ctrl+Shift+DeleteDelete row
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+DeleteDelete column
Ctrl+Alt+]Select next cell
Ctrl+Alt+[Select previous cell
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+]Select next row
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+[Select previous row
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Shift+]Select next column
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Shift+[Select previous column
Working with Effects and Transparency:
Ctrl+Shift+FApply feather
Ctrl+Shift+EApply transparency
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+YApply drop shadow
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+DApply inner shadow
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+BApply bevel and emboss
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+SApply satin
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+GApply gradient feather
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Shift+HApply directional feather
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+MApply gradient opacity
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+AApply gradient feather and opacity
Working with Objects:
Ctrl+Shift+GGroup selected objects
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+GUngroup selected objects
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+VPaste in place
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+CPaste into
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+XClear frame content
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+;Clear frame style
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Shift+;Clear local overrides
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+IConvert shape to frame
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+EConvert frame to shape
Ctrl+Shift+BText frame options
Ctrl+Shift+EText frame fitting options
Ctrl+Alt+CCopy object style
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+VPaste object style
Ctrl+Shift+UUpdate all modified links
Ctrl+Shift+DDuplicate selected object
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+MTransform Again
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Shift+MTransform Sequence
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+JStep and Repeat
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+XApply Last Transformation
Navigating and Previewing:
SpacebarHand tool
Ctrl+SpacebarZoom tool
Ctrl+0 (zero)Fit page in window
Ctrl+Shift+HHide/show hidden characters
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+HHide/show hidden characters and hidden objects
Ctrl+HHide/show guides
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+IHide/show frame edges
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Shift+IHide/show frame edges and center points
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Shift+GHide/show frame edges and grid
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+'Lock/unlock all guides
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+'Lock/unlock all objects
Ctrl+Alt+'Lock/unlock selected objects
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+UToggle Preview mode
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+GToggle between high quality and typical display
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+MToggle between GPU performance and typical display
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+PCreate a new package
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+BExport to EPUB
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+XExport to HTML
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+DExport to Digital Editions
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+FExport to Flash Player (SWF)
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+UUpdate cross-references
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+RUpdate table of contents
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+WExport to PDF
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Shift+WExport to Adobe PDF (Interactive)
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Shift+YExport to IDML
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Shift+KExport to XML
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+VPlace and Link

Text Formatting:
Ctrl+BApply/Remove bold
Ctrl+IApply/Remove italic
Ctrl+Shift+<Decrease font size
Ctrl+Shift+>Increase font size
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+<Decrease baseline shift
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+>Increase baseline shift
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+/Apply or remove small caps
Ctrl+Shift+LApply or remove bullet
Ctrl+Shift+XApply or remove numbering
Ctrl+Shift+~Apply or remove underline
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+~Apply or remove strikethrough
Ctrl+Shift+CApply or remove all caps
Ctrl+Shift+KApply or remove tracking
Ctrl+Shift+TApply or remove superscript
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+TApply or remove subscript
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+KInsert or remove footnote/endnote
Ctrl+Shift+MChange case
Working with Frames:
Ctrl+Shift+CFit frame to content
Ctrl+Shift+EFit content to frame
Ctrl+Alt+CCopy frame attributes
Ctrl+Alt+VPaste frame attributes
Ctrl+Shift+YContent Collector tool
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+YContent Placer tool
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+PApply object style
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Alt+PClear object style
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Shift+PClear local overrides
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+EConvert shape to frame
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+EConvert frame to shape
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Shift+DTransform Again and Repeat Transformation
Ctrl+Shift+DDuplicate selected object
Ctrl+Shift+]Bring to front
Ctrl+Shift+[Send to back
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+]Bring forward
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+[Send backward
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+/Clear object effects
Working with Layers:
Ctrl+LShow/hide Layers panel
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+VPaste in Place on All Layers
Ctrl+Shift+]Bring to Front
Ctrl+Shift+[Send to Back
Ctrl+]Bring Forward
Ctrl+[Send Backward
Ctrl+Shift+\Show/Hide Guides
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+'Lock/Unlock All Layers
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+~Create a New Layer
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+RRelease Selected Layers
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Shift+RRelease All Layers
Working with Pages and Spreads:
Ctrl+Shift+PCreate a new document
Ctrl+NCreate a new document
Ctrl+OOpen a document
Ctrl+WClose the current document
Ctrl+SSave the document
Ctrl+Shift+SSave As
Ctrl+Shift+NCreate a new page
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+JGo to page
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Shift+JGo to previous page
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Alt+Shift+JGo to next page
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+]Go to next spread
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+[Go to previous spread
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+DeleteDelete current spread
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+DDuplicate spread
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Shift+Page UpMove page left
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Shift+Page DownMove page right
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Shift+]Move spread right
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Shift+[Move spread left
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Page UpGo to previous spread
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Page DownGo to next spread